Winter is now upon us, the evenings are darker and the weather colder.
Whilst I love this time of year there is something that can creep up on you unexpectedly – back pain.
In fact, this is something that many men and women aged 40+ come to see us with at the clinic.
So what’s one of the reasons why your back pain can get worse around this time of year?
Here’s the thing… the long winter months and sustained periods of inactivity can be the root cause
You see, if your muscles and joints get a long rest in the winter, there’s a chance they will grow weak and stiff by the time spring comes around when you feel like being more active.
And if you’ve not been as active as you were during the spring and summer time when it gets colder, then this could risk your back pain getting even worse!
So, with that in mind here’s a big tip to help you avoid making this mistake: seize any and every opportunity you have during the winter to get active and keep your body mobile and important muscles strong.
Wrap up warm and go for a 20 minute walk.
Walk with friends and grab a coffee to keep you warm.
Take up pilates to work on your core muscles (we run Physio-led pilates classes on a Wednesday evening)
Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator.
Set a reminder to move and do a stretch every hour, even from your office chair.
Go to the gym to work on both fitness and strength
Don’t let back pain creep up on you this Winter.
If you would like to see one of our physiotherapists then either call 01276 37670 or click here to book online
Warm regards
Jonathan Smith
Director of Thorpes Physiotherapy