Thorpes Physiotherapy

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Welcome To thorpes physiotherapy

Click The Video Below To Learn More About Us

If you have made the decision that you would like us to help you with your painful problem, then firstly congratulations for taking a proactive approach and valuing your health! I really do respect that and we will do all we can to help you. There are many ways in which we can help start the process (and it doesn’t involve having to visit the GP surgery).

Here’s how we can help:

  1. If you know you want to see one of our expert Physio’s and want to get immediate help with your problem, then you can call the clinic on 01276 37670, book online through clicking here or click the button below to enquire about cost or availability. Our preference is that for your first appointment, you call the clinic as our amazing admin team will provide you with some useful information and gather important information from you.
  2. If you are not sure yet if you want to see us, that’s completely fine. Maybe you have had a bad experience in the past with a Physio or your just not sure if we can help your problem. If this is the case, then we would recommend that you book a FREE Discovery visit
  3. If you would prefer to speak to an expert first rather than come into the clinic then you can book a FREE Discovery phone call
  4. If you are just browsing our website and looking for some free information then that’s fine too. We pride ourselves on our educational content, so be sure to check out our blog section as we have well over 100 useful articles. You can also download one of our FREE expert guides below by filling in your details.
  • A clear diagnosis and our best estimate for what it will take for your problem to get better. It’s extremely likely we have seen your problem before, and you will receive expert advice and education.
  • Targeted, hands-on treatment from specialist MSK Physiotherapists.
  • A bespoke exercise programme created by specialised software sent to you

Please note: We only have a limited number of new patient appointments available – so enquire now to avoid missing out!

Want Help To Decide If Physiotherapy Is Right For You?

Free Discovery Session*

Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a physio before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form.

Talk To A Physio First

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

About thorpes physiotherapy

Thorpes Physiotherapy exist to “Educate, motivate, treat and inspire our clients to help them become more active, mobile and live free from pain“.

We realise that people want to minimise pain medication (due to them masking symptoms and potentially affecting their health in the longer term). People want to avoid having to visit the doctor’s surgery and they certainly don’t want to be on long NHS waiting lists.

Our approach is centred around YOU and your specific goals. We will devise a treatment plan (likely consisting of the best hands-on care, use of the best technology and equipment, a bespoke exercise programme and loads of important advice, top tips, education and support) aimed to get you back doing what you love to do.

For lots of our clients this includes getting them back doing things like long Sunday walks followed by pub lunches, enjoying their gardening, getting them back playing 18-holes on the golf course, being able to throw their children or grandchildren in the air without worrying about their body breaking down. Life is simply too short to let pain get in the way. Its highly likely we will have a tried, tested, and trusted plan ready and waiting for you!

If any of the above resonates with you, and you’re ready to hear about the appointments we offer, we’d love to hear from you. Why not fill out our short form to enquire about pricing and availability?

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

What Makes thorpes physiotherapy Different?

Whilst we treat all age groups, we typically see people aged 40+. Since we started back in 2010, we’ve found that we especially resonate with people in their 40s, 50’s, 60s, and older. Through listening to our clients concerns and their goals and motivations for coming to see us in the first place, we’ve developed bespoke treatment plans that are designed to get people back to the activities they have been missing out on.

Thorpes Physiotherapy is unique because we’ve won several awards over the years including being voted the number 1 physiotherapy clinic in the UK – an accolade that we are extremely proud to hold.

We also boast over 160 5-star Google reviews, and we always encourage potential clients to read those reviews. They reflect genuine feedback from our existing or past patients about our treatment approach, our team and the outcomes we achieve. Johnny regularly shares the feedback we get from satisfaction surveys with the team because it’s important to us that we always strive to improve our level of service where necessary.

Another reason why we’re different from NHS physio or other private clinics in the area is that we prioritise a hands-on approach. We get frustrated when clients tell us they’ve seen physios in the past who have just handed them a generic sheet of exercises. The reason it infuriates Johnny is because, for over 20 years, he has been providing hands-on manual therapy techniques and has witnessed its power and effectiveness time and time again. Manual therapy needs to be combined with education and exercise to create an effective program, but taking a hands-off approach simply isn’t good enough for Johnny or the rest of our team here at Thorpes Physiotherapy as it is the best way to achieve lasting results.

Additionally, Johnny is currently the Chair of Education for the Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine and lectures on courses both nationally and internationally.

Before starting Thorpes Physiotherapy, he was a clinical specialist in the NHS and many of his colleagues in the profession would refer to him as one of the leading physios in the UK. One reason why Johnny has been attributed with this title is that he is heavily involved in educating his team to enhance their clinical skills so more people can benefit from treatment at Thorpes Physiotherapy. If you have treatment with us, you can be assured that you are receiving world-class physiotherapy.

When Johnny teaches courses to physios, osteopaths and doctors around the UK and internationally, he always notices differences in quality. Some physios have great hands-on techniques that will get results for clients, while others either don’t use hands-on methods or their techniques are less effective. The varying quality of physio can be a bit of a lottery for clients, but not at our practice.

Thorpes offer flexible appointment times because we realise people lead busy lives. We provide early morning, evening, and Saturday morning slots, and can even offer virtual appointments if you’re away on holiday or on business. We truly value customer service and patient satisfaction above all else. From the moment you arrive at our clinic, our friendly admin team will offer you a cup of coffee and ask about your day because we genuinely care. During the consultation, we give you time to express you concerns and never rush you. We seek feedback continuously because we’re always striving to improve. We regularly audit our practice to ensure we’re achieving world-class outcomes, so you enjoy coming for physio with us.

We understand that if you’ve never had physio before, you might be anxious or nervous, especially if you’re in pain. We create a relaxed atmosphere to put you at ease and ensure world-class follow-up.

We know that to achieve the best outcomes, we need to provide a reasonable number of sessions. We never over-treat, but we will give you a recommended plan and follow up to make sure you continue to reach your goals. Once you’re out of pain, we have a health and wellness team with massage therapists and specialised personal exercise trainers to ensure you stay out of pain. We understand that our health-conscious clients want to remain healthy and active even after overcoming the initial condition, which is why many of our patients stay with us long after their initial treatment sessions have come to an end.

Are you unsure if physiotherapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a physio before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form!

** Note: there is no treatment given at one of our discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

What Are The Next Steps People Can Take?

At Thorpes Physiotherapy, we pride ourselves on giving you a variety of options for how you can start your journey with us. We realise some people want to first find more information before you speak to us directly. This is why we have written many blogs that cover a variety of common conditions. You might want to download one of our specific reports. If one of those reports resonates with your particular problem, simply fill in your details and we will send you report to you via email.

However, if in this moment you would like to see one of our expert therapists and get immediate relief from your painful condition, there are different ways you can get in contact with us. You can give us a call and speak to one of our amazing admin staff. We will answer any questions you have and give you all the available times we have and when you would prefer to visit the practice. Once you book with us, you will be seen within a matter of days, if not on the same day.

We realise that many people who visit our website have had physiotherapy before, perhaps with a different private provider or through the NHS, and maybe you haven’t had a good experience. If that is the case, then we are sorry to hear that. We understand why you would be sceptical, nervous, and cautious about investing more of your valuable time and money into physiotherapy. You may have read or listened to how we’re different here at Thorpes Physiotherapy, but you might need to experience that for yourself before committing.

Because of this, we have created a unique discovery visit at Thorpes Physiotherapy. This is a short consultation where you’re invited into the clinic to speak with our admin team, have a complimentary cup of coffee and speak to one of our expert physios. You can tell them all about your story and we will listen.

We are 100% honest and ethical. If we think we can help you, we’ll explain how and the range of treatments available to you. If we think you need to go down a different pathway, then we’ll provide you with the necessary information so you can take these next steps – we’ll even write a letter to send to the relevant person for you.

Ultimately, the best decision you can make is to act now to prioritise your health, and we hope we can serve you soon.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

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Thorpes Physiotherapy

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