In recent years, Pilates has become recognised as one of the most effective ways to maintain an active and pain free life. Thorpes Physiotherapy APPI Clinical Pilates courses, takes you from the first steps to a real understanding of the principles of Pilates.
The courses teach the basic principles of core stability, pelvic neutrality, key postures, breathing techniques, philosophy and relaxation, which in turn give you more strength, control and physical durability.
Who is Clinical Pilates for?
Almost everyone can benefit from taking part in Pilates. If you tend to suffer with recurrent back or neck pain, are recovering from an injury, or just want to get stronger and fitter, the Beginner Pilates Course can help get you on the right track to achieving long term health and fitness. These beginners courses are suitable for absolute beginners and also for those who want to return to the basics in order to revisit the foundation of their pilates practice and understanding. The Improvers courses are for those who have already completed the beginners course, or who have done a Pilates to a good level before
However, if you have debilitating back pain, or severe nerve pain / sciatica then you should seek an assessment with a medical professional prior to starting any pilates. You will also need to be able to get on/off the floor with ease in order to complete the movements.
What does it involve?
The courses are mat based clinical Pilates and are run by Marianne Hill who is a APPI trained Instructor.
Each Physiotherapy based class will take you through a series of exercises from standing, kneeling and laying on a mat on the floor aimed at maximising movement, control and core activation.
Course details:
- The Beginners course runs on a Wednesday and Thursday evening 7pm-8pm
- The Improvers course runs on a Wednesday and Thursday evening 8pm-9pm.
- The courses take place at Thorpes Physiotherapy in the Sandhurst Studio
- The course costs £72, payment in full is needed when booking onto the course (this can be done over the phone for convenience).
- A maximum of 7 people is allowed for each class, this low number ensures good instructor to participant ratio, which is important
- Unfortunately, we cannot refund any missed sessions / or add sessions to the end of the course.
- The course is open to the general public, you don’t have to have been a past or present client of Thorpes Physiotherapy
For further information please call our reception on 01276 37670
Warm regards
Jonathan Smith
Director of Thorpes Physiotherapy