Low back pain is very common in the community and can affect workers, sports people, new mums, older people, even young people! Many sports people suffer from low back pain particular those who ignore the early warning signs. Early intervention provides the best possible outcome for low back pain and it is important to seek advice before symptoms become difficult to manage.
There are many different causes of low back pain due to the complex structure of the lumbar spine, and the many associated structures (pelvis, hips, thoracic spine).
How Your Back Works
Vertebrae are the bones that make up the spinal column.
Discs separate the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers.
Facet joints between the vertebrae guide spinal movement.
Ligaments hold the vertebrae together.
Muscles are attached to the bones. They control and produce movement.
The causes of low back pain can include poor sporting technique, postural problems, lifestyle factors, lack of “core stability”, or muscular tightness.
To help prevent low back pain, athletes should maintain good flexibility and fitness, include core stability exercises into their training (e.g. Mediball exercises, Pilates), and ensuring good technique (e.g. tennis serve, running, jumping).
Any aches or pains in the lower back should be managed with rest and stretching. If the aches persist longer than a few days, you should consult your Physiotherapist in order to determine the cause of the problem. Your Physiotherapist will determine which structures are painful, and why it is happening. Treatments will be based upon the cause of the pain, and may include mobilizing, manipulation, massage, stretching, core stability work, and electrotherapy. Analysis and correction of technique may also occur in conjunction with your coach.
Jonathan Smith
Director of Thorpes Physiotherapy