Online Physiotherapy Consultations
Even though our clinic doors have had to temporarily close, all of our physiotherapists are logged on and set-up to provide one-to-one video consultations. You might be sceptical as to how a video consultation can help with a physical problem, I understand that, that is why I have written this blog.
Why book an online consultation?
Benefits of having an online consultation – It allows us to take a clear history and discuss your injury / problem with you face-to-face.
– We can observe your problem area and go through a thorough clinical examination helping us to make an accurate diagnosis.
– We can demonstrate and practise exercises together to ensure that you are up to speed and confident in undertaking your rehabilitation the best way possible. A tailored exercise programme can then be sent to you via email.
– We can provide you with instant advice on things to do to improve your condition and things to avoid to help enable a speedy recovery.
– We can show you (or a loved one) how to self-massage a tight muscle, or stretch a stiff joint. Whilst of course this is not as good as having a Physio do it, it is still well worth while trying
– Video consultations have been around for years, there is good evidence for their effectiveness and patient satisfaction -they are not a new thing, you will just be hearing a lot more about them now
Whether you’ve hit a plateau and wish to progress your rehabilitation with a current condition or have a new injury which you would like to discuss, all of our physiotherapists are set-up to perform one-to-one consultations. The technology (zoom) is simple and easy to use (honest!) and all it takes is a couple of minutes to make an account and a click on a link which we will email to you. For those of you who consider yourselves ‘technophobic’, our physiotherapists can call you before your consultation and walk you through joining the call. All you need is a tablet, phone, laptop or desktop PC to connect – set up somewhere where we can see you clearly. We have seen a lot of creativity from patients; ipads tied to sofa cushions, phones on tripods and laptops on lever arch files – or if there is a significant other at home – they can be designated cameraman/woman!
As of last week, Marianne has also re-established her Pilates in a virtual format and has had some excellent feedback.
If you wish to book an online physiotherapy consultation or online Pilates, please email our reception team at admin@thorpesphysiotherapy.com. If you don’t have access to email then please Tel: 01276 37670
Jonathan Smith
Director of Thorpes Physiotherapy