Thorpes Physiotherapy

Clinic Locations

Sports Massage & Exercise Therapy

Sports massage is a type of soft tissue therapy; hands-on treatment is used to stimulate blood flow and mobilise deep muscular tissues. Techniques can be used to treat muscle spasm, scar tissue, muscle tension, break up adhesions, known as knots, or aid recovery from exercise.

The effects of massage differ from patient to patient, however there are many benefits to massage. These benefits can be physical and/or psychological. Some physical changes and benefits that may occur are:  increased range of movement/flexibility, reduce inflammation and removal of waste products, reduce pain levels, as well as reduced risk of injury. Psychologically, massage is found to increase the production of relaxation hormones and reduce stress hormones. This encourages the body to relax, reduce anxiety, lower stress levels, improve energy levels, and aid better quality sleep. 

Following massage treatment some people may experience side effects such as muscle soreness, redness or bruising, fatigue, and/or headaches. Not everyone experiences these side effects, and not having them doesn’t mean your treatment was effective, however, everyone reacts differently. 

Sports massage can be really effective alongside exercise therapy. Exercise therapy consists of physical activity and exercise tailored to your individual needs, usually during rehabilitation from injury but it can be there to support you long after recovery to make sure you are strong long after injury. 

Exercise therapy is a great way to naturally reduce pain, as well as, increase strength and mobility, aid better balance, reduce injury risk and faster recovery from injury in the future. Most importantly, it can keep you doing the things you love for longer, whether that be gardening, running, cycling, or playing with grandchildren. 

At Thorpes Physiotherapy, we offer both Massage and Personalised Exercise Therapy

If you would like more information please call the clinic on 01276 37670 or alternatively you can book online through clicking the button below

Warm regards

Amy Cogdon

Sports Therapist (including Massage and Exercise Therapy)

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